Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Mommy on a Time Out

My Lynn has such a great sense of humor, I think her future might entail training for stand-up comedian. Seriously, this child just cracks me up! I'll have lots of stories to share, but we'll start with a situation from yesterday.

The girls and I were in the car cruising along a back mountain road, when a car pulled out directly in front of me - I had to slam on the brakes. My immediate reaction was to scream "YO Asshole!!" Not a good move. Lynn immediately told me I was a bad girl, and that I should go on a time out, and that she would not forget about it. She didn't forget. When we got home a few hours later, Lynn kindly allowed me to put things away, and then calmly took my hand and led me down the hallway to her bedroom. She had me sit on the bed, and asked me if I knew why I was on a time out... she told me to sit there and think about it, and then walked out and closed the door. Standing outside the bedroom door, her little voice filtered through the room, telling me, "Mommy if you cry you'll have to stay on time out longer."

When she came back into the room, she asked me again if I knew what I was on time out for. I said yes and told her I said a bad, bad word. Lynn kissed me, hugged me, and then took my face in both of her hands and told me not to do it again. It made my day, I love that little girl!

   Your Child and You, the Success Method of Disciplining with Love

   Disciplining Your Preschooler and Feeling Good About It